Multi-City Protest a Huge Success
Guest article by Greg Mount
July 23rd marked our first-ever protest to end the Korean dog meat trade. Demonstrations were held in multiple locations around the world, including Seoul, New York, Toronto, and London (Ontario). Hundreds of animal activists gathered to speak with one voice for the voiceless dogs of Korea. It was, in a word, incredible!
The largest protest was held in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. EK Park and a team of dedicated volunteer organizers lead a chanting march through the busy streets of Seoul. The highlight of the protest, however, was a performance to demonstrate life on a dog meat farm. Protesters lay down on the ground while one performer held another on a leash and swung a club. In the background, a recording played the sounds of dogs barking at a dog meat farm. The effect was chilling and many onlookers shed tears.
Making History
With somewhere around 100 participants, this was the largest protest against the dog and cat meat trade ever staged in Korea. We believe the inclusive nature of the event played a key role in its success. Instead of only inviting members of a specific group or organization, all Korean animal activists were invited to participate, including all animal rights organizations.
When we join together, we are able to speak with one voice for the voiceless dogs and cats of Korea.
We are very grateful to the many organizers who volunteered their time, talent, and effort. Their hard work and dedication made this event a complete success.

International Protest
In the wake of the Seoul protest, several other cities around the world hosted simultaneous demonstrations. We are eternally grateful to Gina Lori, who organized the protest in Time Square, New York, and Sylvie Roth, who organized the demonstration in London, Ontario. I was blessed with numerous volunteers, who helped make the Toronto demonstration a massive success.
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