Dog Hoaridng Survivors

Dog Hoarding Survivors in Search of Forever Homes

Last year, rescuers were called to a seemingly abandoned home on a property in Hongsung, Korea where they suspected something wasn’t right. What they found was a complete nightmare.

The house was dilapidated, covered in dirt, and infested with insects. Locked inside a small room were over a dozen dogs starving with matted fur, overgrown nails, and covered in their own feces. Five dogs were found dead when rescuers arrived. Volunteers immediately brought food and water on site and set about cleaning up the room and clearing all the biohazardous waste.

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The derelict property was long thought to be abandoned, but it was eventually discovered it did in fact have an owner who was living there. He had gotten into an accident and was hospitalized for several weeks, of which during that time the dogs were locked in a room with no food or water.  When the owner returned, it became clear his presence made little difference in the well-being of the dogs, and the rescuers proceeded to take the necessary steps to have the dogs transferred to their care.

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The dogs have since undergone their medical care and are now living together in our partner boarding house with approximately 80 other dogs. They will be available for adoption soon. Yijin and Kirin are currently looking for their homes in Toronto and Vancouver respectively.

Hongsun rescue dogs

These pups would do best in a quiet, low-traffic home with people who will be able to spend quality time with them. As they’ve spent their entire lives with other dogs, these pups would be best in a home with other small dog siblings to mirror. (It should be noted due to their traumatic past, they do not like to be confined in rooms.) Help us find their homes!

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