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Jumbak was among the 83 dogs rescued from the Dangjin dog meat farm, in South Korea when it was shut down by Free Korean Dogs in September 2018. Despite her dark and traumatic past, life has not been kind to Jumbak and she continues to be dealt difficult cards. But she is a resistant girl who has defied the odds, and we are continuing to help her fight.
Shortly after being liberated from the farm, Jumbak began experiencing seizures and was diagnosed with parvo, a severe illness for dogs. At one point in time, it was suggested that Jumbak be euthanized, but EK Park (executive director of Free Korean Dogs), seeing the hope in her eyes, decided not to give up.
Due to the highly contagious nature of parvo, Jumbak was isolated in a makeshift hospital made from a shipping container, where she spent the winter fighting the disease. Her time there was cold and lonely, only seeing the vet, volunteers, and trainers every now and then. There were many late-night calls asking us to prepare for the worst. However, by Spring time, just as the trees began to blossom again, so did Jumbak. She had made it through.
Unfortunately, although she beat the disease, it left her with some lasting neurological and cardiac conditions. However, Jumbak once again proved her resilience. Initially having difficulty walking, she is now able to get around (albeit with a little bit of a limp) to play with her friends at the shelter and has gained some much-needed weight. She is the loving and affectionate girl we always knew she was.
Jumbak enjoyed life at the shelter where she made many friends, but sadly, her friends have all left for better lives in their forever homes while Jumbak has remained in the shelter. In addition to her neurological and cardiac complications, she was recently diagnosed with mastitis, for which she is taking medication. She also has dental issues. However, due to her age and condition, our vets are reluctant to put her through any procedure requiring anesthesia as they do not believe her body can handle it. In fact, Jumbak is not spayed for the same reasons and needs to be isolated when in heat.
Jumbak’s Sponsorship Needs:
Medical Monitoring, Management, and Medication
When life gave her lemons, even if they were rotten, Jumbak still managed to make lemonade. Her strength and resilience are admirable, and although she has tremendous strength the battle is too long and hard for her to fight it alone. Sponsoring Jumbak would grant her the gift of life-saving medications and medical care towards a brighter tomorrow.