Adoption Kit and Quiz

Adoption Kit

Download the following PDF documents to learn everything you need to know for a successful adoption experience (links open in a new tab):

  1. Adoption Checklist
    Follow this checklist to ensure a smooth experience in the weeks before and after your dog’s arrival.

  2. Common Behaviors
    Learn about the common behaviours you may experience from your rescue dog over the first few weeks.

  3. Adopter Discounts
    We partner with local community businesses to provide our adopters with exclusive deals and discounts.

  4. Safety Equipment 101
    Learn the basics of how to ensure your dog’s safety equipment is properly fitted and keep your dog safe and secure.

  5. Safety Equipment Protocol
    Follow the safety equipment protocol for at least the first year of adoption for the safety of you and your dog.

  6. Adopter’s Manual
    Our comprehensive manual for new adopters contains everything you need to know for a successful adoption journey.

Please download and review all the documents carefully. When you’re ready, begin the quiz to see if you’re prepared to receive your dog.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10